Who Will Cry When You Die - Chapter 7 and 8
Chapter 7 - Honour Your Past
Take more risks and embrace your failures. Those people with more failures lived a more complete life.
I know many of us are afraid to fail. But in reality, you only fail when you give up on a goal. If your goal is to be in love and find a life partner. And you find yourself with someone who is making that difficult for you. It is not a failure to end that relationship. It only becomes a failure if you close off from finding a life partner. I had to keep this in mind when I committed to self-growth. I put myself on a strict schedule, and initially, it was difficult to implement. If I had one day where I could not complete a task on my to-do list, I got terrified of the consequences. Eventually I realized that my journey will have many downs. The only way to know that I was on the up side is if I experienced the down. So instead asking, “Why is this happening to me?” I changed the question to “What is the lesson here?”
Chapter 8 - Start Your Day Well
The first 30 minutes should start with positive thoughts. Read empowering quotes and stories.
This lesson is a game changer. My days have significantly improved because of this one practice in the morning. I wake up and do 10 blessings. I reflect on all the positives and the lessons from the day before. I think about the tasks I want to accomplish in the day and envision myself completing them. I do affirmations and meditate. I read mission statements and look at my vision board. I exercise. Then if I have a self-growth book to read, I read a chapter or do a 25 minute pomodoro. And that gets me mentally ready for my day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for stopping by! Please feel free to share your opinions and experiences with these lessons in the comment section. I would love to read and respond to them.
See you next week!